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University Student Crimes

Criminal Defense Lawyer Serving College Students

Many college students are still unaware of or do not fully appreciate the consequences of certain decisions. That does not mean, however, that they should pay for those mistakes for the rest of their lives, but that is what could happen. If your child is arrested, in addition to the possible outcomes of a conviction — jail, probation, fines, license suspension — a criminal record could prevent him or her from getting a job after graduation.

That is why parents in Duluth, Minnesota, and the surrounding region put their trust in me, Christopher Stocke, for skilled criminal defense representation. Contact my law firm if your child is facing charges related to:

  • Underage drinking or DWI/DUI
  • Assault
  • Providing a fake ID to a police officer
  • Possession of marijuana or drug paraphernalia

I Can Help Your Child Protect His Or Her Future

Many college students at the University of Minnesota-Duluth and elsewhere make the mistake of admitting to crimes because they think it will be easier. Campus police officers count on students being easily intimidated into admitting anything.

Just like anyone else accused of a crime, your child has the right to remain silent. Get in touch with a lawyer like me first, who knows how to protect your child’s legal rights and best interests. I can also advise your child on how to respond to any university judicial proceedings.

The city of Duluth offers a program for many low-level crimes in which the charges will be dismissed in exchange for a day of community service. If that is a viable option for your child, I can then work to have his or her arrest record sealed or expunged, allowing your child to face the future without having to worry about an arrest.

It is important that you contact Stocke Law Office, as soon as possible after your child’s arrest. The potential ramifications are too great not to. Call me today at 218-249-0605 to schedule a free consultation.

University Student Crimes