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drug crimes

Who Do You Trust When You Face Drug Crime Charges?

My name is Chris Stocke, and I represent individuals charged with crimes in the Duluth, Minnesota, area. The message I would like to get across to anyone arrested or charged with a drug crime is how important it is to have a criminal defense attorney handling your case. Do not assume that the police or prosecutor have your interests in mind. Their job is to convict you. Do not plead guilty to a crime without first consulting an experienced criminal defense attorney.

What Is A Drug Crime?

The most common drug charges are for possession for controlled substances including marijuana, methamphetamines, cocaine or heroin. In drug cases, there are serious penalties including jail time, prison and forfeiture of your personal property, including your vehicle. I handle a range of drug cases that involve many different types of charges and drugs, including:

  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine (meth)
  • Crack
  • Marijuana
  • Prescription drugs
  • Possession
  • Sale/intent to sell
  • Manufacturing (as in a meth lab)

When I am evaluating a drug case, I pay particular attention to whether or not your Fourth Amendment rights were violated. Did the police have a warrant? Was there sufficient reasonable suspicion and probable cause to search your car, your house or your person? You have the right to challenge these issues and make the state prove the elements of the crime and that the police acted properly during and after the arrest.

Get A Strong Defense

Call 888-861-2452 or contact me by email. I offer a free initial consultation. My office is available to answer your phone calls day or night, 24/7. If needed, I can even come to visit you in jail to discuss your case. At Stocke Law Office, I help you understand your options and aggressively defend your rights and interests.

My firm accepts Visa and Mastercard.