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sexual assault

Fighting Sexual Assault Allegations For Over 15 Years

After a sex crime allegation, you will experience serious social ramifications. If found guilty, you will struggle with jail time, expensive court fines, years of probation and ongoing punishment through the Minnesota Sex Offender list. What started out as a seemingly fun night can devolve quickly into a lifetime of regret.

I am attorney Christopher Stokes. As a former probation officer, I have seen firsthand the ways that a sexual assault or sex crime conviction can ruin a person’s future. I also know that there is always another side of the story. As your attorney, it is my role to help ensure your trial is fair and to fight for your rights at every turn.

The Stakes Are High. You Need An Experienced Attorney.

The Minnesota criminal system is particularly strict about sex crimes, especially when they intersect with domestic violence and other crimes. In addition to the criminal repercussions, a conviction disqualifies you from many educational and occupational options. Simply put, a conviction will change your life forever.

Because sexual assault cases often hinge on a combination of legal precedent, witness testimony and medical evidence, it is critical to work with an attorney who understands how these elements work together. At Stocke Law Office, I prioritize your side of the story and use the evidence to support you. I understand the role of evidence, court procedure and the law. I use my extensive knowledge and advocacy experience to help refute allegations and protect your rights.

Schedule A Consultation

To meet with a leading Duluth criminal defense attorney, contact my office at 218-249-0605 or set up an appointment through my contact form.

sexual assault