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domestic assault

Are You Facing Domestic Abuse Allegations?

Domestic violence impacts more than your criminal record. It also has major impacts on your life in other areas, like child custody disputes, divorce issues and more. It also can seriously curtail your rights to own a gun and other areas of your life. The choices you make now will affect your freedom and life tomorrow.

At Stocke Law Office, I work with clients across Minnesota. I base my work in my years of experience as both a defense attorney and as a former parole officer. I know both how the courts see your case and the ways it will change your life. Most importantly, I know you have a story that matters, and I care about your future. Do not wait to call me. Dial 218-249-0605 and set up your appointment.

My Approach To Criminal Defense

As your attorney, I work with you to put your case into context and to guide you through all your options, including ones you may not know about. I assist Minnesotans facing domestic or sexual assault allegations through:

  • Detailed review of your side of the story
  • Gathering and analyzing evidence like police reports, witness testimony and medical records
  • Explaining the law and your legal options
  • Developing a strategy for your case and pursuing your best interests

Your rights and your future matter. Take it from someone who has seen the ways a conviction changes people’s future – you need to make wise choices now.

What You Need To Do Next

Before you talk with the police or accidentally make a mistake that costs you your freedom, find an attorney you trust. To speak with me about your case, email my office or reach me at 218-249-0605.

domestic assault